Export Development Canada
Export Development Canada (EDC) is a self-financing Canadian Crown corporation that operates at arm’s length from the Federal Government.
EDC helps to support and develop Canada’s export trade by helping Canadian companies respond to international business opportunities. Every spring and fall, EDC produce “The Global Export Forecast” that identifies the major forces acting on the world economy and their implications for Canadian exporters. Stock photos were originally used to visualize their main message for a specific forecast. This is evident in the first image where we took a stock shot of a stormy sea and turned it into an infographic. Beyond that first cover, their concepts became much more specific, making it nearly impossible to find the right stock shot for the concept. Since we have in-house photography capabilities, it made more sense to simply find the props we needed and shoot the concept. Shooting their concepts made the project infinitely more fun and unique for both us and our client.
Concept development/Photography/Print/Electronic media